Početna Stranica igre Povremeni BlockBuild Craft a Dream World
BlockBuild Craft a Dream World

BlockBuild Craft a Dream World

Pijesak možete uživati možete napraviti svijet snova.t

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BlockBuild je igra u kojoj možete sastaviti svijet koji vam odgovara. Jedino ograničenje je vaša vlastita kreativnost!
U ovoj pješčanoj igri možete istražiti svijet, otkrivati nevjerojatna mjesta i ponovno sastavljati kocke koje ga oblikuju, koliko god želite.

Da biste uklonili kocku, samo trebate pritisnuti i držati prstom na vrhu dok ne nestane. Morate biti blizu!
Možete odabrati bilo koju kocku sa zaslona oglasnog prostora kako biste se postavili na svijet. Zatim dodirnite prstom na mjestu na kojem želite postaviti.

Za bilo koju dob, bezbroj sati zabave!

Možete stvoriti i spasiti nekoliko svjetova i stvoriti divna mjesta.

Ne samo da je ova aplikacija za djecu, već je za sve uzraste.

BlockBuild is a game where you can put together a world to your liking. The only limit is your own creativity!
In this sandbox game you can explore the world, discovering amazing places and reassembling the cubes that form it however you wish.

To remove a cube, you only need to press and hold with your finger on top of it until it disappears. You need to be close!
You can select any cube from the inventory screen to lay down on the world. Then, just tap with your finger in the location you want to place it.

For any age, countless hours of fun!

You can create and save several worlds and create wonderful places.

Not only is this app for kids, but it's for all ages.
  • BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 1BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 2BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 3BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 4BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 5BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 6BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 7BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 8BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 9BlockBuild Craft a Dream World screenshot 10

563,203 Ukupno
5 374,723
4 49,946
3 35,284
2 15,566
1 87,662

Changelog / Whats Novo

Fix loading chunk that aren't connected to a bottom chunk

-Fixed growing trees.

-Added Opt In GDPR.

- Added Triangular blocks.
- Performance improvements and bug fixes.
- Fixed multiplayer problem with lamp.

Dodatne Informacije

  • v5.5.4
  • Android 4.4+
  • Everyone
  • 10000000