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Rida Taxi

Rida Taxi

Rida — set the price, order, and get a car ride

Street Panorama View
Air France
GPS Navigation: Live Earth Map
That's Rida

Your app to set prices for your rides and get them at a low cost.
Your rides with safety features like route-sharing, quick access to emergency contacts, and 24/7 support chat.
Your taxi service, available 24/7 - no more hailing on the street, just a couple of taps in the app.

Get a ride you want
Select your pickup and destination points. Choose one of the prices offered by the drivers in the app - or set your own.
And ride at the price that suits you best.
Safety features, explained

Learn your driver’s rating and car number before the ride.
Share your route in the app with your loved ones.
Get in touch with the 24/7 support chat just in case.
Ready to ride? Get Rida!
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36,160 total
5 30,675
4 2,437
3 1,422
2 711
1 711

Changelog / What's New

Meet the updated Rida.
Your Rida app has become even lighter and faster, with new safety features like route-sharing and 24/7 support.

Additional Information

  • 1.28.0
  • Android 6.0+
  • Everyone
  • 1000000