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King James Bible - KJV Offline

King James Bible - KJV Offline

KJV Bible or King James Bible offline, dictionary, audio and notebook

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KJV study Bible and KJV offline with daily devotion for your Bible devotion, daily reading, daily verses, notepad and notebook for sermons and Bible dictionary for free.
KJV Bible or King James Bible is the oldest KJV translation. According to scholars this KJV Bible is very close in translation to the Hebrew language. This Bible or KJV Bible was started in 1604 till year 1611. God has preserved his words in the Bible.

This King James Bible (FREE) version or KJV Offline has streaming audio mp3 (works offline after downloading it to your phone) or by using text to speech version". Once the mp3 audio bible is downloaded to your SD card or phone's memory, you can always listen to it without any internet. Every believer needs to download the KJV Bible.

The KJV Bible is a Bible which takes less space. Download Daily devotion Bible, morning and evening, and offline devotion so you are in tune with what God is speaking and oing.

If you want KJV audio online then you can connect to 3G or Wi-Fi to listen to a clear audio reading of the Bible

Features that you can find in this King James Bible Version -KJV Bible are

1. Daily Bible Verse with notification
These are power pack inspirational KJV Bible verses that you can meditate on daily. You can easily share the KJV verses on any social media.

2. Daily Chapter from the KJV Bible
A Bible chapter is always made available for you to read each day in this King James Version (KJV) Bible app.

3. Topical Bible Verses
We have chosen a few topics that edifies and encourages every believer in the body of Christ in this KJV Bible and more is coming soon.

4. History in King James Version (KJV)
Did you forget the last Bible Chapter? You can always find the history of every Bible verse in this KJV Holy Bible app.

5. How to Read the KJV Bible
Get some tips on how to read the Bible so that you can get the most out of this. This is being updated so be sure to check in for the new update when it comes.

6. Bookmark Holy Bible scriptures
Catch up where you left off with a simple bookmark.

7. Notes
Take as many notes as you can from the Bible. Take notes in church and attach the same to multiple verses for future reference. We are students of the word so lets spread God's word in Jesus.

8. Highlight
Mark favorite verses with all sorts of colors that gives it more meaning.

9. Quick Search
You can quick search for any book or term by using our fast and efficient search system.

King James Bible Version FREE and OFFLINE is more than just a Bible. It is the word of our Father in Heaven.
The King James Bible translation has been in use for a long time. As believers, we know the Bible is the Word of God and it brings peace and understanding when we read it. Every verse is packed with revelation that will only be shown through the Holy Spirit.

You are no longer restricted to reading hard copy of the KJV Bible with the availability of this app on your phone. You can indeed download the latest version of the Bible, that is both easy to read and understand.

Available for free to download on Google Play.

This KJV Offline Bible can be very beneficial in the course of studying the Bible. Apart from the easy to read and understand text, you can also share the verses.

Reading the King James Bible Free version has never been that easy, simple and free. The fact that you can read your favorite verses and study the Bible while on the move and be able to share what you learn with your friends and family members makes the application one of the most useful applications you need to have on your phone. You may however need to determine whether or not you phone is compatible with the application.

New Features
1. Now Available is Backup and audio in the Bible

Other Features
1.Share with image
2.Free Daily devotion included.
3.Bible devotion to make your day great

KJV Bible with Bible dictionary, personal notepad or notebook, daily devotion and daily Bible reading and daily verse
  • King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 1King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 2King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 3King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 4King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 5King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 6King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 7King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 8King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 9King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 10King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 11King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 12King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 13King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 14King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 15King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 16King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 17King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 18King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 19King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 20King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 21King James Bible - KJV Offline screenshot 22

147,428 total
5 130,681
4 7,051
3 2,761
2 1,570
1 5,353

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