主頁 遊戲 街機 Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack
Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack

Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack

Galaxy Shooter 是 Google Play 上最經典的街機太空射擊遊戲。

Rolly Vortex
Realtime Fidget Spinner Games
Survivalcraft Demo
Paper Boy Race: Run & Rush 3D
Galaxy Shooter 是 Google Play 上排名第一的街機太空射擊遊戲。體驗充滿腎上腺素的空戰的快感,並在經典的射擊遊戲太空戰鬥中與敵人交戰!

立即加入 Galaxy Shooter,成為一名王牌飛行員,保護地球免受一波又一波外星人的侵襲!控制孤零零的飛船,擊落外星人的每一個編隊,現在就阻止敵軍毀滅全人類!

- 超高品質的圖形和酷炫的動畫
- 數以千計的驚險任務
- 數十艘星艦:使用不同的槍支、激光和導彈進行攻擊
- 經典街機固定射擊遊戲讓人想起老式遊戲
- 真正的星戰體驗
- 多個史詩般的老闆大戰
- 現代控制,為您帶來有趣和令人上癮的遊戲玩法
  • Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 1Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 2Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 3Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 4Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 5Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 6Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 7Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 8Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 9Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 10Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 11Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 12Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 13Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 14Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 15Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 16Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 17Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 18Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 19Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 20Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 21Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 22Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 23Galaxy Shooter - Space Attack screenshot 24

187,474 全部的
5 130,811
4 35,106
3 15,830
2 3,102
1 2,611

變更 /什麼是新的

Bug fixes and performance improvements.


  • 1.5.3
  • Android 4.0+
  • Everyone
  • 10000000

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