主頁 遊戲 休閒 Creatures of the Deep: Fishing
Creatures of the Deep: Fishing

Creatures of the Deep: Fishing


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歡迎來到深層的生物,獨特的多人冒險釣魚游戲,融合了探索,放鬆和競爭。{#}希望捕捉世界上最大的魚?這是您的完美釣魚游戲! {#} {#}令人不安的新聞來自世界各地,關於來自深處的神秘怪物。 {#}您需要與當地人聯繫並進行調查。您沒有太多的時間!{#} {#}與全球各地的釣魚者一起旅行,穿越世界上最異國情調的釣魚地點,鑄造一條釣魚線並捕獲唱片魚類,海洋生物,水下寶藏甚至一些怪物。{##{## } {#}*發現世界上最奇特的釣魚地點{#}*捕獲100種魚類,生物,物品,甚至怪物{#}*遇到一些瘋狂的釣魚者{# }*挑戰其他玩家{#} {#}*幫助保存海洋{#}*建立您的營地{#} {#}這種令人難以置信的冒險將向您介紹迷人的水下世界,充滿了拼圖,好奇心和地球上最獨特的動物。{#} {#} {#}探索深度,並成為第一個找到所有秘密的人。捕獲該地點最大的魚並成為大師釣魚者。 {#} {#}下載“深處的生物”,並體驗到以前從未像現在這樣釣魚的快感。{#} {#}讓我們釣魚! “深處的生物”是Sky Force,Crazy Dino Park,Jelly Defence的開發商的下一場比賽,讓我們創造!陶器。{#}深處的生物在免費釣魚游戲中提供了地球上最好的釣魚體驗之一。{#} {#}來釣魚,並用流行的淡水魚挑戰自己低音,鱸魚,鰻魚,Zander和鯉魚。啟動海上冒險,施放浮標,並與鯊魚,馬林魚,金槍魚,鱈魚,大比目魚,斑點,鮭魚,鯨魚和神秘的水下野獸等巨人戰下載並免費玩。但是,您可以以真實的錢購買應用內物品。如果您想禁用此功能,請關閉手機或平板電腦設置中的應用內購買。
  • Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 1Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 2Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 3Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 4Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 5Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 6Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 7Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 8Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 9Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 10Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 11Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 12Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 13Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 14Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 15Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 16Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 17Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 18Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 19Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 20Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 21Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 22Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 23Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 24Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 25Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 26Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 27Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 28Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 29Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 30Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 31Creatures of the Deep: Fishing screenshot 32

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Changelog /什麼是新事物

Bugfixes and performance improvements.

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