Ana Sayfa uygulamalar Eğitim Kunduz - Homework Helper App
Kunduz - Homework Helper App

Kunduz - Homework Helper App

Get Help For Homework & Solutions To Answer All your Questions by Expert Tutors

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Kunduz is the best study app for students to get unlimited personalized homework help. Get step-by-step solutions in minutes from our expert tutors - 24/7.

Ask your questions in Math (Calculus, Statistics, Algebra, Geometry, & more!), Physics, Economics (Microeconomics & Macroeconomics), Biology, and Chemistry (Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry) and get answers fast. If you still can’t find the solution or understand the answers, message tutors follow-up questions to get more help when you need it!

How does it work?
1. Snap a pic of your math homework or science equation or economics related queries and send the question to our tutors
2. Get your personalized step-by-step solution from an expert within minutes
3. Chat with a tutor instantly if you have any follow up questions or need more help

Why Kunduz?
- Get 24/7 science & math homework help & personalized study help for economics
- Unlimited expert Q&A, get all your questions solved / answered within minutes
- Instantly chat with tutors to get more help, ensure you understand and learn key concepts & get solutions for science & math way ahead of time on chat
- One of the finest Study & Homework Helper apps, helps you save time and stop wasting endless hours searching for answers online
- Most affordable way to get immediate, unlimited, expert homeworkhelp

Courses Supported:
- Math (Calculus, Statistics, Algebra, Geometry, & more!)
- Physics
- Physical Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Biology
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Psychology
- Anatomy and Physiology

Who Can Use Kunduz?
Our homework helper & Study app is available for anyone who needs help with high school or college-level science or math problem / homework.
  • Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 1Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 2Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 3Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 4Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 5Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 6Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 7Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 8Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 9Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 10Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 11Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 12Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 13Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 14Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 15Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 16Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 17Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 18Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 19Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 20Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 21Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 22Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 23Kunduz - Homework Helper App screenshot 24

85,467 Toplam
5 55,365
4 5,912
3 3,762
2 2,150
1 16,663

Changelog / Whats What

Kunduz is also in United Arab Emirates now!
The follow-up screens are faster.

Ek Bilgiler

  • 6.16.2
  • Android 5.0+
  • Everyone
  • 5000000